Our Process


The first step is to meet together and discuss the build. If possible it is beneficial to meet onsite to grasp a feel for the build area and its surroundings. It can definitely influence the design, functionality and direction of the process we take.

We also want to hear your ideas and expectations for the home in relation to how the space will be best used and suited for your lifestyle. If it is a development investment, then what outcome is required to make it a feasible project.

Design Concept

Now it gets exciting. We organise to meet with the building designer or architect who is given a brief enabling an initial concept draft to be produced containing layout of the home, size and configuration of rooms therein.

It is from here we put conversations in action to a plan. Tight collaboration between architect/building designer, builder and client is essential to create something that satisfies not only local authorities but the clients requirements and aspirations.

Preliminary Plans

Once a concept has been approved preliminary drawings are drafted suitable also for planning consent. These plans usually include scaled 1:100 basic dimensioned floor plan with a front elevation.

The rest of the elevations may also be done with a little fine tuning of the home design as per your expectations.

Once preliminary plans are approved the rest of the documentation can be compiled and submitted to council. Councils may vary slightly on planning consent requirements. However usually a site plan (with site drainage plan), a floor plan as it will be placed on site with front elevation is an absolute minimum with some councils. (1:100 scale)

Working drawings and construction documentation

Once the planning consent has been received from council, construction drawings are now prepared for the home. The documents will include structural steel and footing engineering, energy efficiency report, timber wall and roof framing with the inclusion of anything else the local council require specifically.

The compilation of documents are sent to a private building certifier before finalising back in council for building rules consent.

At this time a full comprehensive quote will be completed for the project. (please note that a quote can also be given at preliminary plan stage. However it is advisable that for a final fixed price with engineering report especially, it is an advantage to have the full construction drawings issued first. )

Pre Construction

Before construction commences there are a few more boxes to tick. Final finance approval or availability of funds. Council completing building rules consent is the final step for complete approval.

Once the quote is agreed upon then the fixed price contract can be entered into.

Selections should also be carried out ready for the commencement of construction.


Now we create concept into reality.

We understand how important it is to value and protect the client’s investment so it is our commitment to ensure that Heading Constructions high standards are maintained throughout the job during this building phase.

We like to involve the client as much or as little as they would like. Experiencing the build take shape from soil to handover key is a truly satisfying experience. Having a personal investment in the project the client usually visits regularly and we work together as a partnership to make sure the outcome is a successful one.

It is like an orchestra, with many trades and suppliers working in unison focused on putting the project together to your expectations and Richard driving the project to achieve our desired result.


How satisfying it is to complete a project for a client and share that moment when all the hard work and vision has become reality.

Beyond completion Heading Constructions will always have concern and connection with the clients home. It is comfort to know that Heading Constructions is there for the client with any questions or even to catch up for a chat and caffé.